Review Policy & Rating System

I’ll accept ARCs in either print or electronic format, and honestly I do not have a preference of one medium over the other, but it is nice to have more books to line my shelves. I am a quick reader, but that does not  necessarily reflect in my reviews, which depend on my schedule. Whilst I may agree to look at your book, that doesn’t guarantee I will be able  to read and review it.

Preferred Genres:

•YA in general
•Historical Fiction
•Science Fiction


Genres I don’t review:

•Self-Published (unless it completely blows my mind)


Rating System:

I tend to enjoy novels with strong characters and beautiful writing. I try to stay away from novels with themes that have become trite (i.e. another Hunger Games or Twilight)  or that feature whiny protagonists, or a predictable plot. While I try to be as critical as I can with a review, I do have a tendency to be lenient with books that have captured my heart or are by an author that is a favorite of mine (and sometimes that can backfire and I become more critical). However, I do try to consider all angles while reviewing and make sure to keep my overt emotions in check.

   5stars  -As good as they come. I’ll talk about it with anyone willing to listen or anyone I can trap in a corner. I will cuddle with this book and revisit it fondly during the holiday season.


4stars-I enjoyed this book a lot but felt like it lacked a little something; however, I will still peddle it to anyone who needs a good book to read.


3stars-I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it either. I liked it enough to finish it and I would probably reread it in the future. It is the white bread of the book populace.



 2stars-I found that this novel had too many flaws to be enjoyable. Some people might like it but it wasn’t for me.



1Star-Didn’t finish it and/or couldn’t stand it.

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